Thursday, December 23, 2010
Terrace Bay Pulp Holiday Downtime

Bill Mauro New Years Resolutions
Thunder Bay has weathered the economic storm. That's the message of Thunder Bay Atikokan MPP Bill Mauro. Mauro says there will be plenty of financial activity in the New Year with plenty of construction work. Mauro adds in 2011 he will start to push harder for a Northern Ontario Law School.
Wrapping paper not recyclable
After your done ripping into your presents today; don't forget to throw out the wrapping paper. City Spokesperson Jason Scherband says the colourful wrap isn't recyclable. Scherband notes garbage and recycling pick up will resume as normal on Monday because the holidays fell on the weekend.
Tree Chipping Sites open on Boxing Day
You can get rid of your Christmas Tree for free. Ten chipping sites are open in the City starting Boxing Day. City Spokesperson Jason Scherband says the trees must not have any tinsel or ornaments on them when you drop them off. Drop off sites are as follows: Brent Park, Country Park Tennis Court, Grandview Arena, John Jumbo Gardens and the Strathcona Golf Course. On the south side it's Delaney Arena, Kinsmen Northwood Centre, Lakehead Labour Centre and Westfort Playing Field.
Drunk driving victims remembered

OPP remind public to drive carefully

Crimestoppers happy with tips received
Thunder Bay's Crimestoppers program is reporting another successful year. Constable Jerry Tabucci says they've received over 700 tips in 2010. Tabucci says even though tips declined from 2009 they're still pleased with the program. Almost 15 thousand dollars was spent on rewards.
New tix act called a facade

College to recruit foreign students
Confederation College's enrollment has jumped 10 percent in 2010. President Pat Lang says it's been a good year for the college. Lang adds they plan to recruit students from China and India in the New Year. Lang adds in 2011 they will implement their new strategic plan.
Vinet heads KDMA
The Kenora District Municipal Association has appointed Phil Vinet as its new President. The Red Lake mayor replaces Gary Parkes, who was defeated in the Machin Municipal election this Fall.
Dryden Mayor lends a helping hand

NW LHIN provides money for seniors

Con College gets cash
Confederation College is going to expand two of it's apprenticeship program. 10 students this fall in the Culinary management program will benefit from 185-thousand dollars in Provincial funding. The Instrumentation Engineering program will see 189-thousand dollars from the government.
Bombardier contract still hot topic
It's local politics. That's the feeling of Thunder Bay Atikokan MPP Bill Mauro when it comes to the Bombardier TTC contract. Recently former cabinet minister David Caplan made comments in favour of scrapping the deal; but Mauro says as an MPP he's allowed to do that. Mauro says Caplan is doing what he thinks is best for Toronto and it's no different from him standing up for Thunder Bay. Mauro says he's going to continue to fight for the Bombardier contract.
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