Thursday, March 15, 2012
LUSU Prez not happy with traffic on Oliver Road
The President of the Lakehead University Students Union wants to the see the city move faster to put in traffic lights in front of the Hospital. Michael Snodden says with the rash of speeding tickets handed out this week it just proves how dangerous it is for students to cross Oliver Road. Snodden says he's been told the city is mindful of the situation but feels more could be done to get the lights in sooner rather than later. City Engineering Manager Pat Mauro says lights will be installed this year but not until at least May.
Say hello to Lakehead Yale Sports Holdings
The group looking to bring a professional or major junior hockey team to Thunder Bay is trying to get people used to calling them Lakehead Yale Sports Holdings. CEO Anthony Leblanc says that has been the official name for about a year after Ice Edge Holdings was disbanded. He says Ice Edge was created for the sole purpose of purchasing the Phoenix Coyotes. The new company is working hard on a number of issues including bringing a team here. Leblanc says he is impressed with recent developments in regards to a new Events Centre in Thunder Bay and says a new arena is a key term to bringing in a team. He adds it is a condition of every hockey league they have had discussions with.
No deer feeding complaints

Police look for missing man
City police are looking for a missing 20 year old man. They say that Oscar Jesus Amor Bacic was last seen at the Regional Health Science's Centre March 7th. Police say there are concerns because of mental health issues. Police say he doesn't know anyone here and has ties to southern Ontario and to Manitouwadge.
People still speeding near hospital
Thunder Bay Police continue to target speeders near the Health Sciences Centre. For the second time this week officers set up a speed trap on Oliver Road infront the entrance to the hospital and picked off 20 speeders. Earlier this week they caught another 20 heavy footed drivers. The fastest driver today was clocked going 80 in the 50 zone.
Virdiramo applauds police
The chair of the Police Services Board is issuing a statement of support to the rank and file of the force. Councillor Joe Virdiramo says it follows the recent arrests made in the Mac's store robberies and not public prodding by Mayor Keith Hobbs. He felt it was appropriate to thank the officers that worked on the convenience store robberies and adds that it's a show of confidence in the work the police do.
WSIB President salary under scrutiny
The salary of the head of a government organization is not sitting well with injured workers groups. They are upset David Marshall's gig as the President of the Work Place Safety and Insurance Board includes a bonus of up to 400-thousand dollars on top of of his annual salary of 400 thousand. Local Spokesperson Steve Mantis says it's absurd to think Marshall is being paid to cut injured workers benefits. Ontario's Injured Workers have sent a letter to the Premier to stop making cuts to the WSIB and scale back the President's pay.
Police probe fuel theft
OPP are investigating the theft of fuel in Gorham Township. Police say that in several incidents recently, thieves were able to break into a locked compound and in each case stolen upwards of 500 litres of fuel.
Hyer retables motion
NDP MP Bruce Hyer isn't giving up his fight to see cross-party cooperation. He retabled a motion today that if passed would change the rules of the House of Commons. Currently, private legislation can only be introduced by individual MPs and bills are often branded an initiative of the MP's party.
City opens up bike rack competition
The City of Thunder Bay is asking for artists to come up proposals for their new City wide bike racks. Public Art Coordinator Reana Mussato says the competition is open to Northwestern Ontario artists. The winning designs will be transferred onto circular panels and incorporated onto bike racks. The deadline to apply is April 23rd.
Wet start to fire season predicted

Information Officer Debbie MacLean says right now it's business as usual, as they make preparations for the new season which officially starts April 1st.
Police arrest hit and run suspect
A 33 year old man is charged with failing to render assistance after a hit and run incident on Memorial Avenue on Sunday. Police say they arrested the man after they received an anonymous tip. The pedestrian has also been charged with being intoxicated in a public place and impeding traffic.
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