Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Hyer defends leadership hopefuls over attendance
The NDP Leadership hopefuls are taking some heat for going against some of former leader Jack Layton's words. During the 2011 Federal Leaders Debate, Layton famously blasted Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff for missing votes in the House of Commons, saying most Canadians, if they don't show up for work, they don't get a promotion. Meanwhile 5 sitting MP's vying for the leadership have the worst attendance record in the government. MP Bruce Hyer says they may not be in the house but they are working hard. Hyer says they are learning what people are thinking across the country and that is very important for a leader to know. Hyer says Ignatieff would intentionally leave so he didn't have to vote on contentious issues.
City's water once again exceeds standards
The City's water quality is looking pretty good. The City's Environment Manager Kerri Marshall says the city has released the annual water quality report and we came in at or above every provincial standard. More information can be found on the city's website.
Modified pen flare can shoot a bullet
Thunder Bay police have a new worry. Monday night they seized a pen sized emergency signal flare which was modified to shoot a .22 calibre bullet. Sgt. Rino Belcamino is issuing a warning about the safety of the device. He says not only is it dangerous to the person it's being pointed at, but people who modify it are risking their own safety. Belcamino says police are starting to see such converted devices more and more.
Guilty plea ends trial
NDP motion calls for Northern Committee

Osisko spending more $

Ignace Political Drama
A political drama is brewing in Ignace. Council will hold a special meeting Thursday afternoon to discuss what to do with the Mayor's seat. Lee Kennard submitted a resignation letter to the municipal clerk on January 27th but he decided to withdraw that letter 5-days later. Council declared the office of the Mayor vacant on February 6th, sparking a debate on whether Kennard should return as Mayor. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing says Council handled the situation correctly. Several options now lie on the table including holding a by-election, appointing a councilor as Mayor or appointing Lee Kennard as Mayor.
NAN on education motion
The Nishnawbe Aski Nation is applauding the Federal Government's unanimous vote to improve aboriginal education. The N-D-P motion calls on the government to put First Nations schools on an equal footing with provincial schools, but is vague on details. The motion is named after a former youth leader from Attawapiskat First Nation.
Klusterhuis anticipates Global Sticks return
The Mayor of Oliver Paipoonge is happy to hear news that Global Sticks is set to reopen again. Lucy Klusterhuis says the business is important to her community. Layoffs were announced at the plant back in October.
RMG call centre linked to scandal

Illegal weapon found at mall

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