The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is spreading the word about changes to the employment insurance and Canadian Pension Plan taxes in Ontario. Spokesperson Candice Malcolm says it means taxpayers will keep less of their pay cheques after New Years Day. Malcolm adds the maximum employee share of EI taxes will go up 23 dollars in 2014, while the employer's share will go up to 31 dollars.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
CTF Spreads Tax Change Info
Health Unit Urges Immunization

Record Breaking Cold Hits City
Siemieniuk Looks In Crystal Ball
Gravelle Rings In New Year
FWHP Family Frolic Back
Chief Wants Pot Laws Repealed
Monday, December 30, 2013
SUV Driver Collides Into Bus
Wesley Sentenced
A Cat Lake First Nation man is being sentenced to eight years plus time served in relation to the death of 65 year old Adam Yellowhead. Joseph Wesley's lawyer Christopher Watkins is pleased with the judge's sentencing. Wesley will also be prohibited for lifefrom owning any weapons.
Chamber Looks Forward To Election Season
2014 brings with it an upcoming municipal election. Chamber of Commerce President Charla Robinson says they'll actively seek out candidates and talk to them about where they stand on business issues. Robinson feels infrastructure will be the top municipal election concern.
Police Warn Snowmobilers
Police say this pic of the Kam River was taken Saturday |
Shelter House Cold Program Running
Shelter House's cold weather program is now in operation. Executive Director Patty Hajdu says they've been touring the streets at night looking for individuals that may need their help. Hajdu says they always welcome help from the community whether it be donations of hats, mittens and scarves or cash to help run the program.
Local Woman Vies For Miss Universe Canada
Rae To Continue ROF Work In 2014

Back In The Deep Freeze

Sudden Death In Vermillion Bay
Hobbs Set To Run For Re-Election
Tennis Coming Back
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Harvey Yesno Looks Back On 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
How Do You Communicate

Friday, December 27, 2013
Christmas Robbery
Labour Negotiations Across NWO
20 local personal support workers with the Red Cross Care program head back to work today. Their union the SEIU announced that the strike was over on their website Christmas Eve. Meanwhile, more labour unrest in the region....Unifor is applying for conciliation this week after talks with Dryden's Revera Home Health Care broke down on Monday. The health care workers last contract expired June 1st and the two sides met numerous times since October in an attempt to reach a new Collective Agreement covering the 35 Personal Support Workers. Unifor will also resume conciliated talks with Revera in mid-January for over 25 office and client services staff based in Thunder Bay who are seeking their first contract.
Stabbing At Mall
A 19 year old man is recovering from two stab wounds to the leg after an incident at the Intercity Mall yesterday afternoon. Police received the call about an altercation that occurred in the mall between a group of young people. Officers found two accused males in the parking lot of the CLE grounds a short time later, both individuals are facing several charges.
Budget Meeting Coming To T.Bay
Campbell Opposed To Gas Tax Increase
Kenora-Rainy River MPP Sarah Campbell is strongly opposing a provincial plan to raise the gas tax to 10-cents to pay for public transportation expansion in southern Ontario. Campbell notes the move would be a slap in the face to northerners. Campbell says the extra 8-cents a litre that the province has charged since the implementation of the HST should be going to public transportation across the province.
Levesque Talks Courthouse Funding Issues
Thunder Bay's Police Chief JP Levesque is going to be bringing a 36.5 million dollar budget to City Council in the New Year. Levesque says one of the issues they continue to struggle with is a need for more funding for officers posted to the new court house. They currently receive 522-thousand dollars for the positions but it costs over a million dollars to provide that security. Levesque says they'll continue to ask the Province for a bigger share in funding.
ROF Priority For Gravelle
Thunder Bay Superior North MPP Michael Gravelle is reflecting on 2013. Gravelle says he understands that Cliff's announcement that they were ceasing their work on the mining project will be one of the biggest events in 2013. He feels the development isn't dead in the water and will move forward in 2013.
Hyer Reflects On 2013
There's no doubt in MP Bruce Hyer's mind what the highlight of 2013 has been. Hyer says as the year winds down it's his health issues which stand out. Hyer says his move to the Green Party is the other highlight from this year.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Police Look For Suspect In Stabbing
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Ornge Heli Out of Service
Mac's Christmas Robbery
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Charges Laid In November Auto Pedestrian Collision
Bus Driver Charged

EC Calls For Snow For Christmas
It looks like the weather will be cooperative for Christmas. Environment Canada Meteorologist Marieve Giguere says an Alberta Clipper will hit the region just in time bringing some snow. Giguere adds that temperatures are expected to cool off after the holiday season.
Hobbs Calls For Help For Operation Smile
Mayor Keith Hobbs and Thunder Bay's Miss Universe Finalist Nerissa McRury, are raising local awareness for Operation Smile. The program provides free medical assistance for children with dental issues or facial deformities. Hobbs says you can help support the program by purchasing a Charmed Children's Charity Calender.
OPP Warn About Scam
The OPP's Anti-Rackets Branch is warning people of a new computer threat being used to scam people out of their money. "Ransomware" is popping up on screens across Ontario and falsely accusing users of accessing child pornography or other file-sharing sites, they then inform the user that their computer has been locked and need to pay a fee to access it again. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has received over twenty-eight hundred reports from people receiving these pop up messages.
NOVA Awards Going On 2nd Year
The Northwestern Ontario Visionary Awards are going to be held January 18th. Shift, Thunder Bay's Young Professional Network is one of the organizations behind the awards and Spokesperson Keith Anderson says he's pleased they've had 72 nominations. The NOVA top 20 under 40 celebrates area residents who have accomplished great things in their community.
Christmas Memories
It's Christmas time and we've asked several prominent Thunder Bay figures about their favourite Christmas memories. Thunder Bay Superior North MPP Michael Gravelle says most of his fond Christmas memories revolve around his family but notes this year is going to be really special since he's finished his cancer treatments. Gravelle says he gets a kick out of his family members and friends feeling his new hair after going through cancer treatments. Meanwhile, Lakehead Public School Board Director of Education Catherine Siemieniuk says her memories revolve around her Mother who was a teacher at Murillo's school house number 4. Semineuk says it was extra special to receive a Christmas orange during the celebrations at the school.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Tip Lines Seeing More Action

Different Drug Charge
OPP are correcting some of the charges they announced against a Longlac man and woman. Last week they charged the 27 year old and 38 year old with a variety of drug related offences but are now changing one of the charges for both individuals to trafficking meth. The two have since been released with conditions.
Lawyer Talks Road Conditions
A Toronto lawyer says governments have a legal duty to keep the roads under their jurisdiction in a reasonable state of repair. Troy Lehman says the number of cases heading to court over poor roads in the winter is increasing. In some cases, it's about monitoring the roadways. Lehman warns any lawsuit must show road conditions played a part in an accident and that the governments responsible failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the hazardous condition.
Hyer's Fave Christmas Memory
It's the holidays and we've been speaking to prominent local residents about what their fondest Christmas memories are. For Green Party MP Bruce Hyer its the Christmas Eve in 1975 when he had just arrived as a new Canadian immigrant. Hyer says as a result, that Christmas Eve was spent with a couple whose daughter, just hours before, gave birth to a baby in a cabin by the railroad tracks.
NOMA Wants More Say
Northwestern Ontario needs more of a say on it's future development. That's the feeling of the president of the Northwestern Ontario Municipal
Association. Dave Canfield says he'd like to see this region have more autonomy and less influence from Queen's Park. Canfield says ideally this region should have more control over infrastructure and training as it pertains to industries such as mining and forestry.
Health Care Reception Today
The City is playing host to over 100 health care professionals and students at a special reception today at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery. Organizer Cheryl Armstrong says they want to make a good impression on health care students home for the holidays. Armstrong adds the reception is a chance for the professionals and the students to mingle and talk about working in Thunder Bay.
Costarter Announces Grants
Five technology companies are receiving fifteen-thousand dollar investments from Co-starter. The Co-starter Program is the regions first of its kind and helps companies with start up costs. The five will work from January to March at the Innovation Centre at the Confederation College campus.
Warning For Snowmobilers
The OPP and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs are reminding snow machine enthusiasts to use caution when out on frozen bodies of water. The groups say that with some areas freezing faster then usual riders may be given the impression that all lakes are safe to ride on. The OPP suggest riders carry ice picks and wear buoyant snowmobile suits if they do cross over ice.
City's Snow Removal More Than Expected

Sunday, December 22, 2013
Experience Magazine

Flight Issues